so here i am. nothing professional. i think i'm done with trying to sound inspirational or whitty. i like using all lower case- i think it just looks good....and i've taken a liking to using "..."...i don't know why...i just like it better than a "," or "-"... i know i'll always have a thousand thoughts and questions to share and ponder. i also know that not everyone wants to hear them all, and i guess even if you DO, there just isn't time. i tend to be pretty honest...and then sometimes regret it later. at the same time, i've found that in honesty there's freedom from the "image syndrome" that has plagued me for years. i choose freedom!! :) so who knows what you'll get. i guess it'll just be me...cheryl...the random, confused, fun, happy, sad, passionate, learning, full of questions, frustrated, broken, growing, joyful, and a thousand other feelings, experiences and emotions- cheryl! ha! sounds fun to me! hopefully to you to!
so if you're reading this, you must be someone important to me and i just want you to know that i'm glad you're along for the least this part...and hopefully you'll stop by again. and if i don't know you, or haven't talked to you in years..well, we should catch up and i'll be happy to show you all of my fabulous striped all lengths!!!:)
socks & roses help when the sunshine isn't out!!!
this is heather & autumn- i used to take care of them where i work... heather is a sophomore and autumn is in jr. high!

this is heather & autumn- i used to take care of them where i work... heather is a sophomore and autumn is in jr. high!
Loving the start of the journey Cheryl!
Beautiful! :-) I hope you can keep it up. :-)
YAY! Welcome to Blogworld my friend! I am so excited to get to hear MORE about what's happening with you! love ya!
Yahoo! Glad you have joined the world of blogs and I look forward reading your blogs! ;-)
cheryl, you technology nut you! congrats on the blog, and just let me know when you want to get started with gmail, picasa, skype, and all the other wonderful things the digital world has to offer :)
I'm glad you're a part of our lives.
Welcome to the world of blogging, Cheryl. You and I joined at the same time, so we can stumble through it together! ha ha ha. Maybe this way, we'll keep in touch. Love you!
Hi Cheryl. You tweeked my curiosity so this is my 1st trip to a blog site. Luv ya GP
Laba Diena Cheryl,
I don't know how I feel about this blog world still, but I am glad to be able to see photos and to just check out what you find important.
I figure with the four running blogs on our team that I do not have to create Rome, when it is already being built next door.
Miss you and love you heaps!
look cheryl, i'm commenting to a blog! :) i can't let grandpa outdo me too much! love and hugs.
BOO...HOO...SNIFF...SNIFFF...snoooort!!! I can't believe you didn't even mention "dad" in your first subject line... At least now I know who's first on your mind! :-) hee... hee!!
Hello cousin Cheryl! Nice blog so far. I look forward to seeing (reading) your thoughts. I'm an avid blogger (Well I wish I was...I don't do it so much anymore) but feel free to check out my site!! Great to have you as part of the blogging world, hope you keep it updated!
Looking good Cheryl. Hey, why don't you try visiting Scotland sometime? A cute little guy named Ethan awaits you. :-)
John & Nancy
I agree, you're parents are the coolest. I've always wanted Steve and I to be like them. Maybe someday WE will get to play on a bike too but no one will look as cool as your dad with his head bandana. Now that's MY big brother!!
Hi, Cheryl! I was really glad to get a link to your blog, cause didn't hear from you for a long time. I can see you are doing well :) keep on blogging!
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