So i haven't posted anything for a while cuz i wanted to include computer still isn't connected to the internet after moving a month i think i'll just have to do a non-picture post. sorry. :(
yes...i've moved yet again. you can pretty much predict that i'll be moving about every year or so! since moving out of the dorm about 7 years ago i've lived in 9 different places- this being my 10th! crazy!! it's hard to imagine ever settling somewhere, although i'm sure it would be nice. i've gotten used to living in other people's space and using furniture that doesn't even belong to me. At least it's helped me simplify my own life and keep perspective on where HOME really is! CAN'T WAIT for that day...settled FOREVER!! :)
SOOoooo, at long are some of my FAVORITE memories living with Dave and Trina down on 39th and Powell:
* The time it snowed about an inch or two and all of Portland closed down! We all got to stay home from work, sleep in, where PJs, and then we watched all 3 Harry Potter movies! The walk over to Blockbuster was the best cuz it brought back many memories of walking in Lithuania!
* I never knew when I'd come home and find the entire downstairs re-arranged! :)
* Can you say "amazing food"....Trina is a fabulous cook!
* The time it poured down rain in the summer...i ran down the stairs proclaiming that we should all go out in it...and Dave and Trina were the first to join me...and we all got soaked!!!
* The time we all ended up sitting on the old couch in their room, watching video clips from LT days
* new squishy carpet! :)
* Trina running away...into her room...from the little moth that dave then rescued her from!
* Conversations about the weather...really....they are CRAZY people who actually ENJOY the dark, rainy days and hide in their room with the air conditioner on WONDERFULLY SUNNY days! :) We ejoyed laughing about our differences.
* Cartoons on Saturday mornings! A simple pleasure that we each enjoyed sharing!
* Fun with the cats and enjoying their craziness together!
The list goes on, but these were some of the highlights! Thank you, Dave and Trina, for sharing your home with me. I learned so much about hospitality by living with you both. You give so much without a thought, and I've been blessed by you both!