My aunt and his mom played the matchmakers and that's how we met! It's pretty much been all summer that we've been emailing, talking on the phone and over the last month, driving a LOT back and forth from DesMoines (just south of Seattle)to Portland and Portland to DesMoines! I respect this man so much already! He loves God and follows Him...and He loves people...right now he's in Romania for 5 weeks working with His sister and youth on the streets. I could say so much about him but for now I'll leave it at this! I hope you'll get to meet him someday...hopefully soon! :)
You look so happy! I'm so happy for you!
He'll be back before you know it! :)
would love to meet him and see you again ;) - congrats!
aawwwww.. so precious!! so happy for you sweetheart!
hee hee hee! you are so cute!!!!!!
I'm smiling!
You are SO adorable, my friend. Can't wait to see you & him both!! YAY!!
Love you,
hey :) it's me from Romania...good choice of pictures, very cute couple :)
God is so AWESOME! "Blessed are they who keep His statutes and seek Him with all their heart." (Ps. 119:2) Matt must be a VERY special man. My joy abounds for you! :)
My love and prayers continue...
Nancy D.
Cute guy!! And cute lady!! Love you Cheryl dear...God is good!!
You two look wonderful! God bless every moment you have together, and apart! I'm so happy for you!
Well, this one got a lot of comments didn't it! :) Dad & I like him too.
I am so happy for you!
Next chapter??
Too cute! You both look very happy. :-)
so cute girl...
you are tagged!!!!
OK Cheryl, where the heck ARE you? Have you ditched everything for this guy? C'mon, give us an update already. We need to hear the latest!
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