I started "kickin' it" with some pretty amazing people a few months ago. They are people who have either lived on the streets or are still there. They are people who have faced things in life that I can't imagine having to cope with. They are letting go of addictions and rejoicing at being sober or off drugs for "5 days"...."25 days"..."5 months"..and still counting and rejoicing at every new day they make another choice that once seemed impossible. They are people who don't just KNOW in their heads about Jesus' love and how He saved them, but people who have

experienced His saving power and unconditional love in the reality of their lives and believe it in their heads and hearts. "If I don't spend time with God every day I know I wouldn't make it...I'd fall so fast...I need God in my life," I've heard more than one of them say. They are people who

still struggle, still smoke, still swear, still deal with anger....and God loves, accepts and uses them right where they are in their journey with Him. They are people who need encouragement from other believers just like I do. They are people in love with Jesus. They are people desperate for the life and freedom that only Jesus brings. They are changed people who are passionate about loving others and seeing them find the life, love and freedom in Christ that they are finding. They love deeply. They pray. They are loyal. They worship. They are honest about their weaknesses and sins. They are still facing very difficult and often seemingly impossible situations with family and people they love. They listen to God's Spirit. They respond to His convictions. God uses them in others' lives....i could obviously say so much more about them....They are God's children, adopted just like i am.

When I first started spending time with many of these youth from

the streets, I thought that I had so much to offer them. They seemed a bit like a mission to me. Thankfully, God quickly humbled me and has changed my thinking in more ways than I think I realize. These youth have taught me, encouraged me, prayed for me, blessed me and loved me more than i ever could have hoped for. They are amazing people and I have SEEN the Gospel come to life in front of me more than ever before. I hope I have loved and encouraged them toward Jesus as much as they've impacted me. I love them...these "transitional youth".....i hope you can meet them someday. I will never be the same after the last months Kickin' it with my Homies, Yo! :)
Simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing your amazing journey with us. :) I look forward to hearing more, and hopefully someday meeting some of your new friends.
"Strive to love your neighbour actively and indefatigably. In as far as you advance in love you will grow surer of the reality of God and of the immortality of your soul."
Isn't it amazing how through the act of love we see the Gospel so clearly? How by leaving behind our prejudices, preconceptions, rights and pride and just looking people in the eye as equals in every way, that we see Christ? I don't understand how it works, but I love it.
I'm glad we get to see and hear about how that effects your life :)
how encouraging....thanks Cheryl for your story :) I pray God continues to amaze you with the reality of His power. xoxo
meeting those people is a life changing experience...even though if you meet only one of them...for a very short period of time..Thank you for sharing it, Cheryl!
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