Sunday, March 11

I'm Going to PAINT!!!

i've never seen myself as a "real" painter. the only training i've ever had is art class in highschool....but i DO like to paint...i bet most people don't even know that since i hardly ever actually do it...and the paintings I've done are around the state (and one across the world), so no one has even seen them.

i really do love painting tho...and i've finally been inspired to take time to do it again...someone ASKED me to do a painting for them, they gave me a picture to paint, they are paying me to do it(does THAT qualify meas a "real" artist?), and it's for a surprise anniversary gift! Sounds fun to i just hope it actually turns out. i'll be sure to post a picture IF it does.

So if you haven't seen anything I've painted, here's a picture of a copy of my favorite painting. I did it for a Creative Classroom Communication class durig college. I have it up in my room as a reminder of what God has for those who walk with and entrust things to Him- even through the storms He promises PEACE that surpasses understanding! I often find myself stessed or worrying about things...when i see this picture it reminds me to fix my eyes back on Jesus...and when i do, He turns my anxiety to joy and peace! it doesn't mean all is then easy, but the deep-soul peace is very real and changes how i walk through life.

"Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again, rejoice. Let your gentle spirit be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7


Dave Feucht said...

I'm so happy you've decided to really pursue painting! I can't wait to see what comes from it, both in terms of the paintings you create, and how it changes you. Cheers!

Unknown said...

um yeah.. I am glad you are painting again... I would love to see you soon my friend!

Jen Hibbs said...

hooray cheryl! that totally makes me excited for you. your painting has encouraged me many time and the women in africa i shared it with :)
love you!

Anonymous said...

Labas! Sveika! I have always loved that photo and wondered what the story was behind it! :) Thanks for sharing. I would love to see more of your paintings. I remember your drawings and how beautiful they are. I wish we had some artists like you in town to draw the old buildings around us! :)
Miss you and love that you are being you and trying new things.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea! i think you have an incredible gift! Thank you for sharing...