Saturday, April 21

"Dude, I finished it!"

I proclaimed this outloud in utter shock today when i pulled out the last of the floss! have you EVER finished a spool of floss? I don't think i ever have! I either don't floss enough, or i use parts of the many spools that the dentist has given me over the years, or i loose the spools and buy new ones. So I had to share this moment! It's something I never realized I hadn't done until it happened...and I just got a kick out of it!:)

I enjoy moments like that...things that seem common but that I've never done or have never happened to when i drove over a bridge the other day that I didn't realize I'd never been on before until I was on it...and it's one i drive under or near all the time.

am i the only one who has these moments? does anyone else have anything like this???
Here's a random picture from 3 years ago of me and tiana...cuz i miss her..she's in Lithuania along with several other great friends who i'll put pics up of soon.


Anonymous said...

Labas draugas! :) Kaip sakasi?
As esu gerai! I must admit I was a little shocked to see my photo on your blog! I was hoping for a glimpse into some more of your paintings. I am still wondering what missing me has to do with finishing a thing of floss! :) LOL. Cheryl I miss you too! This time of year is the hardest time and has made me realize more and more the challenges of living overseas and missing a friend like you. Thanks for your friendship.

Anonymous said...

WHAT!? You've never finished a spool of floss before!? Where did I go wrong!?!?! You find out the darndest things after your kids grow up. (You must be an adult since I just said you grew up.)