Maybe I have to get married and have kids. Most people seem to act more adultish once they are married.
Is there such a thing as "adult clothes?" I work with kids so I dress casually, which is what I like anyway, but maybe that keeps me feeling like a kid...or maybe the fact that half of my week is spent in the company of children keeps me feeling, and perhaps acting, quite young.

Adults can go to bars, smoke, nice clothes and cars....but those things just aren't ME. I don't even LIKE Beer....(picture is of me pretending to enjoy a nice big drink in Lithuania)
On one of the many rainy nights during my freshman year in college, Rachel and I went "puddle jumping" til we were soaked. I remember saying that I never wanted to get too adultish or mature to be able to do something like that. But now...i kind of want to feel like my age...but I'm starting to wonder if doing those kinds of things is what keeps me from feeling grown up...and I still like the idea of jumping in huge rain puddles...kind of like the "riding the shopping cart" thing i mentioned in a previous post.
...hmm....well, i guess that's all for now. Just some ponderings from my pensive mind. Anyone have any thoughts on the subject?
wow i miss you cheryl - i just loved these last two posts you put up. no, i don't feel like i am my age yet either....i really miss having you in my life daily :) love you girl!
You know what? I've started trying to avoid situations where I have to tell people my age - because I really don't feel like that age at all! I like to think of it as keeping a youthful spirit! And, I've found that the people who I enjoy spending time with the most are the ones who bring out this side of me. . . . that's probably why I married Matt. ;-)
I miss you Cheryl!
Love, Sharon
Hi Cheryl! I (Dena) attended MBC w/ you our freshman year, and we were in the same section. Visit my blog and post your email if you want to get in touch. Talk soon!
Hey Cheryl -
A friend at my Bible study group has a single son that's moving up north this week to begin a church - I think in Vancouver or Seattle. His Mom wants him to find a nice Christian girl so I though of you! :) I may have to get you two together. He's around 28 or 31 - can't remember exactly. Anyway, you interested in meeting someone, if possible???
Aunt Carolyn
I wish someone would think I'm still 19 or 20 sometime.
I feel old... I think you got the better gig! You speak of feeling young, but I see a great maturity in you... and a responsibility that some "grown ups" may never have. Being who you are is really the best thing in the world! God wired you something special, and someday that may cause your wardrobe to grow up, but hopefully it won't detract from that wonderful soul force you have!
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