Thursday, April 12

Foloof and Strawberry Shortcake!!

My kids at work are always doing and saying things that make me laugh!!! I finally remembered to write a couple things down that were said this morning. Sorry if they end up being the "you had to be there" kind of thing. Maybe I'm just easily amused!

As I helped a boy study for his spelling test and he wrote words like "foloof" instead of "flour", i looked over and asked a couple girls playing with the dolls:

"Why is that girl hanging upside down off the roof?"

She quickly answered with great joy and confidence, assuming her answer was quite logical: "That's because the dad is CRAZY about strawberry shortcake!"

A little later I overheard the dad doll, played by another girl, saying to the daughter, "I'll GIVE you some strawberry shortcake if YOU: stop throwing mom off the roof...DEAL?!" (again, said as if it was quite the ordinary, logical happening)

This was all taking place as one of my 4th grade boys walked around the room with a box on his head bumping into stairs and carts!

After inventing several new words instead of spelling the test words correctly, the boy I was helping exclaimed: "HALF MY BRAIN GOT ATEN BY DOGS!"

Yes, it was quite the entertaining morning!

Since i can't post pictures of the kids, here's one of PART of a boy helping to do an experiment. This is what happens when you put a few Mentos into a bottle of Coke!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you know, we both have the same sense of humor. This really cracked me up! :) Mom