The Transitional Youth houses have an annual baseball game against several employees of Prudential (many people in the company are main supporters of TY). Baseball is not one of the sports i enjoy playing so i took on the role of photographer!

These are some great friends of mine...

The things left behind after one of the guys hit the ball and took off running...

Sarah has become a great friend and mentor. She has been running one of the houses for several years.

Heather and I have known each other for years and we now get to work together !

Maybe they'll change the tradition to Basketball or Volleyball for next year :)...although I thinnk I'll be learning more about Baseball now since it's one of Matt's Favs! :)
oh cheryl, i just love you. :) I forgot heather works with you! tell her hi for me will you?
Hey, Robert's not in the credits! Ladies and Gents, the guy in the pic with Sarah is Robert, and he is totally great. If you're ever downtown PDX and he says hi, say hi back. If he asks if you wanna hear something cool, say yes. It'll be neat.
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