Thursday, November 22

Matt is in town...

...can you tell?!?! :) sorry i've vanished from online world. i really haven't forgotten about this blog. i want to update it for those of you who i love who i never see anymore! i just need to decide to sit down and do it. :) until that happens...just know that all is well and i'm enjoying getting to know this amazing guy named matt much better. he now lives only 20 minutes from my house and he works at the starbucks closest to my job and other places i spend lots of time at. it's fabulous.

...gotta go get ready for thanksgiving festivities! If you're reading this...know that I am thankful for YOU! :) much love


Carolyn said...

It sounds like you have much to be thankful for this year in particular. Keep enJOYing the moments! You're making great memories...


Charlene said...

Glad to see you're so happy. Looking forward to meeting Matt and spending time with you :)

Amy K. said...

Welcome back to the "online world"! I kept checking for signs of life! Glad all is well!